Thursday, August 26, 2010

An Spailpin Fanac

The last two days have been pretty great!  Yesterday in particular!  Class went from 9:30 - 10:20 and then 11:00 - 12:00 again, so after class, Elena and I registered our computers for the wireless network on campus!  I'm all wired up....hahahaha!  After that, we met up with a few others for lunch and then headed over to do my bike ride!  Three days in a row now, I have gone on the stationary bike at the sports complex and gone about 8-10 km! I'm slowly working my way back into shape.

After working out, Jordan and I headed to the Chaplaincy (Iona Society) to poke our heads in and see about a trip this Saturday.  Well, we were welcomed right in by David and Edwina, recent graduates of the college believe!  They invited us in to sit on the couches and offered tea/coffee...Best tea I've ever had!(I'm really starting to like tea!)  Then, they talked to us for almost two hours just sharing places to go in Ireland and cool pubs with traditional music to check out!  It was super nice, and I really think I will take advantage of that place throughout the semester...they said people just come and drop in for an hour or two between classes and such sooo yeah!  They were super nice, and we both signed up for the trip to West Cork this Saturday where we will be making several stops at places like the Oldest church still in use in Ireland, etc! No big deal right? hahaha!  And, the whole trip only costs 5 Euro!

Half-eaten and still that much!
Well, then Jordan and I went in search of a few of the pubs they mentioned just to see where they were and got a bit discombobulated (I've Always wanted to use that word in a sentence!!!!!) But, we ended up running into apparently the best "Chipper" or Fish n Chips spot in town.  Jordan got it and it was a ton of food so I ate some of it! SOOO goood!  And, don't worry, we found our way back easily thanks to my navigating skills!

Best banjo ever!
Now, on to the night!  The best night here yet!  Jordan, Caroline (From Norway), and I met up with Elena, Amy, and Chelsea at An Spailpin Fanac, a pub that was mentioned by the people at the Chaplaincy!  ANd, WOW! It was what I picture an old school awesome Irish pub to be like.  Little nooks and crannies all over and then the traditional music! WOW!  They were awesome!  We were there from 9:30 until 12:30!  The group apparently plays there Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday nights.  The music was so fun to listen to and then when we were starting to leave, they decided to keep us around by singing some John Denver: "Country Roads" hahah! We were all singing at the top of our lungs!  Then, they played "Wonderwall" and "Business time" by Flight of the Conchords! hahahaha sooo great!  Finally, at about 12:30 the pub owners got them to wrap it up (the pub was supposed to close at 12!)  All in all, great night!  I can't wait to visit the pubs in Galway too because apparently all of them are just like that if not even more traditional!

Tomorrow, Elena, Ashley, Roger, and I are heading to Youghal (pronounced "Y'all" hahaha) for the day which should be fun!  So more pictures to come from that and then the trip to West Cork with the chaplaincy on Saturday.  Full weekend!

Well, all for now!  And, just to let you know, I'm sitting in the coffee shop across the street currently enjoying the free wifi! Alright, peace!  And also, check facebook for videos of the music...they wouldn't upload to here!

1 comment:

  1. sweet jakey. you should learn how to play the banjo. then we could jam.
