Friday, August 27, 2010

Day off trip to Youghal!

Well, I was going to wait to put up pictures from both trips tomorrow but I have some free time now, so I thought I would give a quick run down of the day!

Elena, Ashley, and I left this morning at about 10:30 from the bus station and arrived in Youghal at about 11:30!  And man, was it pretty!  The calmest and friendliest ocean beach I've ever been to (I've been to three soo #1 out of 3!)  The waves were very gentle.  You could have taken the sound from that beach and put it on one of those "Nature sound" tapes!  haha!  Part of the beach was very rocky and fun to climb.  You could tell that it is probably covered during high tide because there were mussels and barnacles all over the rocks!  We had fun climbing them and looking in the caves!  The Weather was absolutely gorgeous.  As soon as we got there, we wished we had shorts or something (as you can tell we all rolled our pant legs up!) 

After spending about two hours at the beach, we walked into the actual town and found a great place to eat: yummmy paninis!  They are really big on paninis and "toasties" here!  After that, we hit up a local bakery for some pie...mmm mmm mm!!! 

We wanted to spend a little more time just relaxing on the beach but the bus ran at 4:00 and at 7:50 so we decided it would be better to get back....but overall, check off another beautiful place visited in Ireland!  And what's great is the fact that we spent under 30 euro again!  Gotta love Bus Eirann (the bus service)! 

Alright, more to come later this weekend from west cork!  Peace!

1 comment:

  1. I like your timer photography skills setting up the camera and then going to get in the picture. sometimes its more fun when you dont make it back before the timer goes off right? :)
