Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Days of Class

Hello hello!
The last two days have been pretty full of class, meeting new people, checking things out, and trying to plan travel in the future!  Yesterday morning, I had my first class.  All of the students in class (36 I believe) showed up to the lecture hall at about 9:15 for a 9:30 class.  Typical American timing correct?  Well, our professor didn't show up until about 9:40, and when she arrived we expected her to have the keys to the room but nope she didn't! haha...soo we all had to wait for another 15 minutes for a campus security guy of a sort to come and unlock the room.  Then, she introduced the class schedule for the next four weeks (pretty easy and awesome): Monday through Thursday from 9:30-12:30 with a day field trip on next Thursday to Bunratty and a three day trip the following weekend (Thurs-Sat.) to the smallest of the Aran isalands: Inisheer.  After briefly describing the class, she told us we could "disband" for the day.  So, we all got out of class at 11:00 haha! 

I met a few more cool cats in my class including Ashley from upstate New York, Roger from east coast somewhere, and Ben and Delaney from Minnesota!  Ben went to St. Thomas Academy.  Well, after class, my friend Karen (in my class) and I took a walk around for awhile and visited the International Education office (very nice people: good to know in case I need something!).  After eating lunch at my apartment, I finally visited the all volunteer run cafe across the street and found my bus buddy that I met on the way down from Dublin last week, Kelly.  We talked for a half hour or so about what she's doing there and how I'm doing and such.  I think that place will be nice to go into every once in awhile and just chill!  After that, I stopped over at my friend Elena's apartment (she's in my class too) and we had some good talks on our faith lives actually.  I think we will be great friends! 

The rest of the day included getting my UCC ID card, which is very cool!  I then used it to go to Ireland's biggest sports complex for awhile.  The rest of the night was filled with travel plans and all sorts of stressful stuff followed by a movie!  Movies are always good!  All in all, a pretty good first day!

Today was a very fun and interesting day as well!  Class was very cool as the topic of today's lecture was Matchmaking and Marriage Customs!  Very very intriguing!  We all loved it!  During the class, we had a 40 minute break from 10:20-11:00 so Elena, Ashley, and Roger and I sat together at a cafe at the student center and got to know each other a bit more which was fun!  Then, on our way back to class, I finally got to punch this tree: 

I'm not sure what kind of tree it is, but there are two of them in front of the library!  They are the coolest looking trees and you can literally punch them because they are soft!  I didn't believe Jordan when he told me this, so yesterday when I was walking by by myself I wanted to punch it but I figured I would look quite silly.  But, today those other guys were all with me so I did it and IT IS SOFT!! It's sooo cool!

Anyways, the rest of class was just as interesting: I could tell you all about Irish matchmaking and marriage customs!  Very cool, yet very ridiculous societies these Irish lived in!  We ended up getting out at 12:00 so another short class...haha! 

After class, we met up with Jordan, Kendall, and Chelsea and had some lunch.  Then, after a few more stops around campus, we headed over to the sports complex where I successfully did a workout!  On the bike and running a bit!
Now, Jordan and I just got back from grocery shopping and are cooking up some mini-chickens for dinner, yum! 

I finally got a picture in front of the main quadrangle too (Look up)!  There is a superstition that if you walk across the pathway in the lawns (look at picture) you will not graduate!  I haven't seen anybody do it!

Alright, off to eat and then figure out some cool place nearby to go visit on Friday with Elena and Ashley!  Peace!


  1. next time you punch that tree its gonna punch you back.

  2. Tell me about Ireland's largest sports complex. What does that mean? Gymnasiums? Swimming pools? Football stadium? Or is it just like a glorified Y? Did you ask the professor in your Matchmaking class if it is true that during every leap year the girl gets to propose to the guy? Do you get to watch the movie Leap Year in class?
