Saturday, December 18, 2010

The End: PArt tri: Last post from Ireland

Cork from the air!
I love flying!

Yes, the Liverpool airport is named after John Lennon
How one survives while traveling...

Well I traveled back from England this morning and everything went according to plan - no mishaps with the unpredictable weather over here in Ireland!  It was a great visit all together!  Yesterday, I took a walk around Lancaster's campus while Connie took her last test, and it gave me some good time to reflect and just take in this part of the world one last time!  It was a beautiful afternoon/sunset, and I even saw a deer in the woods right on her campus!  haha...deer are not exactly as plentiful over here.  Anyways, then, we just made some dinner and hung out with all of her English friends!  It is quite amazing to see the differences in Irish and English students especially. I don't know how to explain it, but a couple times, I remember I just thought to myself how different her friends were compared to my Irish friends. Not bad..just different!  I also stopped a couple times and just thought how cool it was what I was doing - what we were doing.  Hanging out and going to school with English annd Irish and German and French and Spanish and Norwegian and Chinese and more students?  How sweet is that!  haha.  It was a great visit all in all, and once again I really enjoyed traveling back to Cork.  I am going to miss public transportation I think when I go back home - but who says I can't take it back home? Although I know it isn't exactly as easy as over here!  we will have to see!  Oh and one more funny thing - while hanging out with her flatmates last night, we had a ridiculously funny discussion on pill bugs/roly polies/potato bugs/wood lice/etc.  Hahaha.  Her friend, Mike (From Manchester I believe) said something about "wood lice" and Connie and I looked at each other all confused.  But after he explained a bit, I was like oh yeah "Pill bugs" and Connie said "Roly polies?" haha And after looking up pictures for all of the names we came up with for this bug, we discovered they all refer to the same bug! haha.  I'm really gong to miss those things that really do have different names to us than they do to the Irish or English or whomever even though we speak the same language!  All in all, great fun - great craic!

Lancaster at its finest

Now, I am just finishing up packing before heading to up to Kendall's for dinner and then to my Bible study group's Christmas Ball with Elena and Marie!  It should be a great way to end my time in Cork! you will read this all as one post but I am going to stop now and finish later tonight- haha - alright cya later.........

Alright, so I didn't get a chance to do this last night so this will have to be extra short:

Last night was awesome! I had dinner with Kendall which was great to see her one more time - she was one of my first friends here!  And, then the Christmas ball/party at the Bible study group was just great!  It was so much fun, and it made me realize how much I'm really going to miss that group of people from my Wednesday night!  Elena and Marie and I were living it up on the dance floor!  then, after the ball, we said goodbye to Marie and Elena and I got some ice cream and came back to watch all the little videos I had taken over the semester! haha. It was great!  I really am going to miss those girls.  Both of them were amazing friends that I wish I could transport back to SNC! 

As for now, I'm all packed up ready to go eating a piece of toast and some biscuits left over in my cupboard.  This will be the last post from Ireland seeing as I am going to my friend Izzy's house in Tramore until tonight when I head to the Dublin airport.  I will most likely have at least one post when I get home to share about my journeys home - which hopefully go according to plan without any problems - I do currently have some friends stuck in airports due to snow - we got about 2 inches here yesterday which equals about 2 feet of snow in Minnesota! haha!  alright, I'm off!  Thanks so much for keeping up with me all semester!  It's been something to remember!  Peace

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