Pink buildings = my apt. (I'm going to miss this river!) |
Yesterday, my friend Elena and I had a good day of hanging out which included some good walking around the city one last time and Christmas shopping! Then, last night, we headed over to Mark and Laura's apartment for dinner. I don't know if I have ever mentioned Mark and Laura so for a brief explanation - Mark is a study abroad advisor for one of the big U.S. programs that sends many students over here. He is kind of a live-on-sight advisor for the students and he is also taking some masters classes too. His wife, Laura, came along for the ride and is doing multiple little things herself. They are quite a young couple still - mid 20s - and are just awesome people to hang out with. However, they also kind of interrogated Elena and I about our experience in Ireland. Mark studied abroad in Scotland during undergrad as well, so we were all sharing experiences, feelings now, and feelings that will most likely come when we return home. It was a very enjoyable night, and it made me really reflect on my experience in some ways I haven't yet! I really have grown a lot - I realized this last night - in multiple ways. It is great to recognize this, and I can't wait until I gain even more perspective when I'm home. Although, I know it will most certainly be tough at times wanting to be back in Ireland - having the freedom to just take random trips to other countries! haha. In essence, I'm starting to realize how much this trip has changed me! wooohoo! haha!
Anyways, I am actually currently sitting in Connie's room in Lancaster, England. (She had a previous engagement - a dinner with her townhouse - before i booked the trip so she is just out for a couple hours but it's giving me time to reflect which is good!) hahaha! So, I took one last trip over here this morning, and it was a very fun day of travel! The sunrise this morning was absolutely astonishing - especially from up above the clouds. And, as I jumped from one mode of transportation to the next - bus, plane, train, bus again, and walking - I realized how much I will miss the feeling of traveling! I definitely have the travel bug!! In other words, I WILL come back to Ireland - Europe and also visit new spots such as Africa - Asia - South America - basically the whole world. Coming over here really has helped me realize how much the world has to offer - not that I didn't know that already - but to see it first hand....crazy! I just want to keep traveling! But, it's time for a little taste of home for sure...sooo this may be the last post from abroad. I may get around to a short one on Friday when I return, but otherwise my flight home is at 8:40 am on Sunday! Keep my and all the rest of those traveling in your thoughts and prayers! Thanks for reading! Peace!
when you goin to africa? can i come?