Hello! So, this past weekend was my visit to see Connie at her school in Lancaster, England. It was a superb trip that went by way too fast!! Here is a little rundown of the weekend:
Airport! |
I left Thursday evening from Cork airport on a 9:45 pm flight! (Gotta love Ryanair: cheap but not exactly the easiest times!) I got into Liverpool airport at about 11, and Connie was waiting for me there! We spent the next 4-5 hours chatting it up, attempting to sleep until we had to take a taxi to the train station. Our train left at around 5:00 am and we got into Lancaster city about 2 hours later, walked to the bus station, and hopped on a bus to get to her campus. As you can see, I had the lovely opportunity to literally take every mode of public transportation: plane, bus, train, walking...haha! It was fun though! The reason we had to leave so early was that she had class at 9 in the morning, so she went to class and I slept!

The rest of the day consisted of checking out the campus, walking around when she had a class in the afternoon, and then getting the formal tour from her after class! haha! She is in quite a different experience over there in England. The campus is actually like a College campus where everyone lives on campus. Very different, but in a good way! I tried my best to not get attached to that feeling of actually having a campus life because it just isn't like that here in Cork. However, I must admit Cork campus is much prettier, and the campus life is there, just in a different way! That night, we just hung out at her townhouse playing games with her townhouse and such. Just lovely!
Connie: in her element! haha |
Hahahahahaha: just for a few laughs! |
Saturday morning, we woke up bright and early and hopped on a bus to Edinburgh, Scotland! The school provides day trips on the weekends to various places! Anyways, it was absolutely beautiful!! The city was very cool, and we enjoyed climbing the Crags (as they were called) which gave us awesome views of the city and surrounding area: check it out! I couldn't help but love the various people walking around in kilts or the random bagpipe playing throughout the city. It was something else!
Edinburgh castle! Soo cool! |
The streets! |
Mel Gibson? |
Up we go!! |
On top of the crags! |
Whiskey fudge...mmmmm! |
Sunday was a lovely relaxing day that involved watching movies and just being alive! In the evening, she took me into Lancaster city to show me around a bit and see the castle (which is apparently a prison) and other various memorials! Then, we went to mass at a beautiful church! We concluded the evening with a great dinner and skyping with family!!! Great times!!
Lancaster Castle! |
Hahahah! |
Monday was hard leaving again, but I got to take every mode of public transportation imaginable again! haha! I arrived back in Cork in the afternoon and walked straight to class...haha! The last couple days here in Cork have been good, just trying to take it all in and live in the moment still! This weekend is the Cork Guinness Jazz Festival which is going to be simply amazing! It is a world renowned festival that brings in jazz musicians from everywhere! I am only just beginning to realize (after doing some research on the website today) how huge it is and how awesome it is going to be!
Thanks for reading! Ill keep you updated on the various jazz musicians I see! It should be fun! Peace!
actually, instead of november, i am thinking i will come for the festival. WHAT?! why didn't you tell me about that? i want to see pictures of everyone you see. seriously this better be a big next post. and figure out how to get video on here so i can see that too!