Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Alright, hello!  This post will be a catch up of the last month.  For the sake of time, I think I will just post a bunch of pictures (as promised) from my London trip, Croagh Patrick trip, and Dingle Trip followed by a brief rundown?  Sound like a plan?  Good…

I went on this trip with my two friends, Mary and Marie. They are both wonderful people who were fun to take a trip with.  We arrived on a Friday afternoon and you guessed it, it was raining.  We wanted to save money, so we decided to walk from where the bus from the airport dropped us off…hmmm…questionable choice.  BUT, I thought it was a great adventure.  It took us about 40 minutes to walk to where our hostel was – and then about another hour to actually FIND the hostel, which ended up being right where google maps said it was.  We did get a chance to meet some of the locals in this search though, and got some interesting directions from them…basically all of them pointed us a different way.  Haha.  Needless to say we found it.

Wicked was, as I mentioned before, quite amazing.  Connie was meeting her mom in London so she was able to come as well.  The British, Scottish, and Irish accents created a unique performance that simply cannot be achieved in the states. ;)  The various other sights around the city were just as amazing as well.  I must say, I did not expect much from London, but it had a lot to offer!  The fireworks for Guy Fawkes day were some of the best fireworks I had seen in ages!  And, Big Ben was simply beautiful…even though it is only a big clock.  We met several people in the hostel, including our friend Kyle from South Africa who might appear in some of the pictures.  He met us Saturday morning at breakfast and asked if he could come around looking at sights with us.  Sure why not right?  He was a great guy who was an up and coming R&B artist just trying to get his name out there!  Ahh, the life of a musician...  All in all, a very successful trip that culminated with a great dinner of pizza and red wine and delicious chocolate cake at some Italian restaurant in London.  We enjoyed it thoroughly! 
Ohhh..Big Ben!
Tower Bridge!

St. Paul's Cathedral
Croagh Patrick:
                Although this trip was really only two days/one night long, I feel like I could go on forever about it.  When we look back at what we did in 48 hours, Jordan and I just laugh.  The bus ride to Westport (which is about 8 km from the base of the mountain) was around 7 hours with a 1 hour layover in Galway.  And, the thing is: Westport is probably only about 150-200 miles.  Oh, backroads in Ireland…  The bus ride was quite long. Then, when we got there, the hurricane began…haha.  Literally, around 50-60 mph wind gusts that Jordan and I had to attempt to ride our bikes to our B&B in.  Again, an experience to last a lifetime.  The couple at the B&B treated us like kings the entire night.  We were to comfy to leave the house at any point in the night and we knew we needed energy for the next day.   We were just praying for the weather to clear up….AND it DID!
The last 200 meters...AHH
We woke up bright and early, got our gear on – not particularly the best gear for climbing a mountain in frigid temperatures – and biked the 8 km to the base.  It was a beautiful ride but man was it cold.  Then, the hike.  I must say we truly underestimated the mountain.  I believe it is around 800 meters from the base…but it is straight up the mountain side, especially the last 200 meters or so.  Needless to say, it was well worth it!  The pictures do the talking.  We even got a few flurries of snow on the top of the mountain for about 20 seconds.  Simply amazing.



          Connie arrived the day after Croagh Patrick.  So…I was tired…haha.  But ready for her!  I picked her up from the airport on Saturday morning, we stopped back at my apt, and then jumped on the bus to the Dingle Peninsula.  And, I don’t think anything could have prepared us for the astonishingly gorgeous weekend we were about have!  Let’s just say if you’re ever in Ireland…GO TO DINGLE!  The B&B was absolutely heart-warming again and we were treated amazingly.  The night we got there turned out to be a beautiful night with a gorgeous sunset.  We walked around town looking for a place to eat and then found Murphy’s Pub (Can’t get more Irish that that right?).  The atmosphere in there was amazing…open fire, pictures everywhere, good food…ahh! 

Quite the sunset?

         The next day we went to a mass in town which was quite unique: parts were said in Irish, English, and even Latin I believe at some parts.  Only in Ireland!  Then, we hit up some shops…I got a pretty amazing hat (or so Connie thinks…I like it too I suppose)  And then we went on nice long walk!  Gorgeous is the only way to put it.  That night when we asked Angela (our B&B host) if we could cook up some noodles we had brought along…she very innocently asked, “and..how do we actually do that?”  haha.  So, we taught her how to boil noodles! Haha!  It was fun! 

Dingle - Berries...hahaha

Our reaction to the scenery!
Ventry bay
Mt. Brandon
We left the next day, but once again enjoyed the scenic drive to its fullest.  Then, Connie and I went to campus and she met some of the folks in the Christian Union who really treated her like family.  I truly have met some great people here!  And, the next morning I took her back to the airport.  It really is quite amazing the way we have been able to see each other over these last few months.  I need to remember this!
My Irish farm...

That should catch you up on the last month…I think I’ll wait to the next post to talk about the last week with Ben!  Peace!

p.s. Remember that I have plenty more stories to tell – just not enough time to write them all down!  Don’t forget to ask me when I get back!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dingle was amazing - so busy - Off to get Ben!


Soooo, I know I have been really bad at posting these past couple weeks.  But, just think, once I get the time to write a little bit I will just load you all up with plenty of information about my various travels.  This past weekend was simply amazing.  Jordan and I had quite the adventure getting to Westport, Co. Mayo and then climbing Croagh Patrick on Friday.  And then Connie got here on Saturday and we spent the weekend in the Dingle Peninsula.  SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL! I cannot even explain.  And, I have come to the conclusion that people that run Bed and Breakfasts are the nicest, most sincere people in Ireland.  Stories to come.  Anyways, the last week here went super fast and now I am off to Dublin with my roommates tomorrow where we will spend two nights.  Benjamin will be arriving in Dublin on Saturday afternoon so I will pick him up then.  His presence here will certainly provide some comic relief in times of stress I'm sure.  It will be great!!  I cannot wait!  Perhaps I will get more time to post some pictures and all next week when he is here?  I will keep ya updated!  But, I do have plenty of pictures from all of my trips posted on facebook so please find someone's facebook to go on if you dont have one, and look at them all!  I can write pages upon pages on here, but it will certainly be much easier to tell of these experiences in person!  Thanks for reading and keeping up with me!  peace!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

London introduction/Croagh Patrick tomorrow!

Hello!  Sorry this is going to be so short but I have to get to bed...

Was in London all last weekend - saw it all! (well just about!)  Wicked was quite amazing especially with accents!  Added a whole new element to the show!  The rest of London was just as great: Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, St. Pauls Cathedral, Tower of London, Big Ben, Towerbridge, Millenium Bridge, Shakespear's Globe, Natural History Museum, Camden Market, National Gallery, Hamelys toy store....I told you we saw it all...!  Pictures to come soon, but I really do have to get to bed!

Off to Westport, Co. Mayo tomorrow with my roommate Jordan to spend the night in a B&B before climbing Croagh Patrick on Friday morning! Woooohooo!  Then, on Saturday, Connie comes over for our weekend to the Dingle peninsula!  More pictures from all these adventures soon as well.

It's getting pretty hectic with classes, traveling, and trying to figure out my life for back home the next few semesters as well.  But, it is all great!  Or as we say here: "It's simply grand! Im 'getting on' quite well! and having a great bit of craic everyday!"  All for now folks! peace!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Weekend retreat with CU in County WIcklow


This past weekend, I had the opportunity to go on a retreat to County Wicklow with the Christian Union Society on campus.  Needless to say, it was an experience that I will never forget!  It was awesome!

On Friday afternoon, we all piled into three cars and headed up to County Wicklow.  The car ride was quite the experience in itself for as you know (or now will know) they do drive on the left side of the road.  I was in the passenger seat, and it took me a solid 15 minutes to get used to the fact that there was no wheel in front of me even though I was on the left!  haha...it was crazy!  Anyways, from UCC, there was a group of about 14 of us that went: 5 Americans, 8 Irish, and Kate who is from Zimbabwe but she has lived here for 6 years!  I got to know Kate really well because she was the driver of the car I was in!! 

Anyways, the ride on Friday ended up taking 4 and a half hours, and let me tell you, it was a crazy road down windy, dark roads.  hahaha. It was fun though!  By the time we got to our location, it was around 9 and we were ready to eat!  The place we stayed at was called Avoca Manor, and was a type of retreat house that was really cool!  There ended up being around 100 students from Christian Union Societies all over Ireland! 
Good Morning!!!
The Orange Block!!
Some of the crew!
Beam of light!!

The weekend consisted of various sessions in which we learned about the Book of Titus in the Bible. Very interesting!  And, these sessions were led by Pastor Ed who is originally from Australia but has lived in Ireland the past 5 years.  He was a very good speaker and very pleasant to listen to because of his lovely accent!  Alright mate!!  We also had the opportunity to just have some reflection time and free time to get to know each other and all!  I met so many awesome people from all over the world:  One thing I will never forget is when we put up a little sticky note where we were from on the world map and basically the entire continents of North America, Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia were covered!! It was certainly a surreal feeling!  Saturday night there was a talent show as well, and man o man...there were soo many good singers/guitar players in this group of people from all over Ireland!  It was soo much fun.  Later on Saturday night, I just sat down at the keyboard by the drums and guitar stuff...and jammed with this guy named Sam. We were just making up songs having fun and all.  Then, later on that night everybody was just playing ridiculous games and loving life.!!  Oh and I almost forgot, where we were was absolutely stunning! just check out the pictures! Fall has certainly arrived here finally...meaning the colors were so vibrant and still are around Cork!  The stars on Friday night were exceptional as well which made me think of home!

Night times!!

I could really go on forever about it but I'll stop there.  The last two days have been super busy going to class and CU events and Chaplaincy events and movie nights, and getting classes set up for the next spring back home...oh and of course getting ready for WICKED and London this weekend!  Wooohoo!  I truly am very excited about it...but I am so busy it's hard to get excited sometimes! hahaha...it's just going to come and go so fast!  ahhh!  Anyways, I'm off to Bible study and then the pub for a few minutes of music before I hit the hay....only in Ireland right?